A lot of people don't like paying taxes. However, you should really look at your situation in a different light. If you're making money, you're paying taxes. Another way to look at it would be to consider the fact that if you're paying taxes, you're one of the lucky few with whom Uncle Sam wants to be a 50% business partner. If your partner Uncle Sam is getting paid, you're also most likely getting paid, barring a few exceptions.
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Serving Salinas, Monterey, King City, Soledad, Carmel, the greater Monterey County Area, Silicon Valley and the Greater Bay Area
© Copyright 2015 - Stevens, Sloan & Shah CPAs - A California Professional Corporation
975 West Alisal Street, Suite D, Salinas, CA 93901 || 1631 Willow Street, Suite 110, San Jose, CA 95125
Serving Salinas, Monterey, King City, Soledad, Carmel, the greater Monterey County Area, Silicon Valley and the Greater Bay Area